Value Investing
Morality & the Marketplace
Are there any moral, spiritual or ethical concerns that I need to be aware of?
How would you answer that question.? More and more I am finding that for many financial success is not just about making money, how are one's investments doing compared to the Dow, or the S&P, or the NASDAQ, but how are they doing in the light of one's values and faith. It becomes an issue not just of how well an investment makes money but how an investment makes its money.
Do you have concerns with abortion, pornography, anti-family entertainment and policies that undermine the family? Are there issues that are important to you?
For the individual who wants their investments to reflect their values and beliefs there are options. A number of mutual fund companies have added value screens to their investment selection policies. Value screening can reduce and in some cases even eliminate companies from portfolios that profit from sections of the economy that do not reflect thier values.
If you would like to know where your investments stand, a values report can be run on most domestic equity and bond mutual funds.
To learn more, Email, or call me today at (719) 235-5028 or in Denver (303) 748-6352.
Wherever your treasure lies, there your heart will be. Luke 12:34